Since 2013
Since graduating with my PhD I have had my research published in peer review journal and have presented my research findings at conference as well as disseminating the results via popular media to reach as wide an audience as possible.
In terms of formal CPD I have completed my pharmacology masters module meaning that I am now registered with the HCPC as a podiatrist with the POMs sale/supply annotation after my name. In real terms this means that within my scope of practice and dependent on clinic need I can supply or sell certain prescription only medicines to my patients.
In 2007 I enrolled on the Professional Doctorate in Health and Social Care at The University of Salford. My research was an investigation into the use of the TOG Gaitscan and foot orthoses for patients with mechanical low back pain. I used quantitative and qualitative methods to capture the patients experience of the assessment and orthotic therapy.
As well as being involved in research I have always tried to keep up to date with the knowledge base and evidence regarding biomechanics and the treatment of sports injuries. This means reading journals, research papers and attending regular updates, conferences and courses.